If you come from Ukraine and have had a residence permit granting temporary protection for two years

Last updated: 3/7-2024

If you come from Ukraine and have had a residence permit granting temporary protection for two years or more, you must notify the Swedish Tax Agency that you have moved to Sweden so that you can apply to be registered in the Swedish Population Register. The Population Register is a list of everyone registered as a resident of Sweden. Once registered, you will be issued with a personal identity number. The decision on whether you can register in the Population Register rests with the Swedish Tax Agency.

Swedish Population Register – notify the Swedish Tax Agency of your move to Sweden

1. Use the e-service “Flytta till Sverige” to notify the Swedish Tax Agency of your move to Sweden. The service is free of charge.

2. Book an appointment at one of the National Government Service Centre's service offices (Statens servicecenter in Swedish) for an identity check.

3. Await a decision. The decision on whether you meet the requirements to register in the Population Register rests with the Swedish Tax Agency.

When you are registered as a resident and have been issued with a personal identity number, you have the same rights and obligations as any other registered resident of Sweden. Once registered, you are no longer entitled to financial support pursuant to the Swedish Act on the Reception of Asylum Seekers, etc. (LMA), but are covered by the Swedish social security system instead.

You have the primary responsibility to support yourself and your family. If you have difficulty providing for yourself or your family, you may be entitled to various forms of financial assistance, such as child allowance, parental benefits and housing allowance.

Get support to find work through an introduction programme

If you are eligible for the Population Register you can participate in the Swedish Public Employment Service’s introduction programme. You can take part from when you are 20 years of age until your 66th birthday.

The introduction programme consists of individually tailored initiatives and support, combined with actively searching for a job. The goal is to be able to learn Swedish, find a job and financially support yourself as quickly as possible.

When you participate in the introduction programme you can apply for compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). This is called introduction benefit. It is paid by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

You can apply for an ID card from the Swedish Tax Agency

Once you have a personal identity number you can apply for an ID card. You can apply at any National Government Service Centre that issues ID cards. You will need to make an appointment and pay a fee before you visit the service centre. ID cards issued by the Swedish Tax Agency are approved identity documents in Sweden.

How your housing will be affected

If your have arranged your own accommodation

If you have arranged your own accommodation, you can continue to live there once you are registered in the Population Register.

If your have arranged your own accommodation but cannot continue living there

If you need to be rehoused, the Swedish Migration Agency can only assist you before you register in the Population Register. The Swedish Migration Agency will then find out which municipalities have a place for you. The municipality will arrange accommodation for you. Your new accommodation may be in a different municipality to the one you live in today. You have no say in the location of your new accommodation.

If you need to move after registering in the Population Register, you are responsible for finding accommodation. Some municipalities have their own housing agency where you can search for accommodation. The municipality can also give you tips about private landlords.

If you live in temporary accommodation provided by the Swedish Migration Agency

Once you are registered in the Population Register, you can no longer live in accommodation provided by the Swedish Migration Agency. Instead, the Swedish Migration Agency will find out which municipalities have a place for you. The municipality will arrange accommodation for you. Your new accommodation may be in a different municipality to the one you live in today. You have no say in which municipality your new accommodation is located. You will pay the rent yourself.

If the municipality has arranged accommodation for you

If you currently live in accommodation arranged by a municipality, it is likely that you will be allowed to continue living in the municipality. You may need to move elsewhere within the municipality. You will pay the rent yourself.

If you need medical care

As a registered resident of Sweden, you are entitled to healthcare on the same terms as anyone else who lives in Sweden. This means, for example, that you pay the same patient fees as every other person in the Swedish Population Register.

You also qualify for certain benefits, such as:

  • the healthcare guarantee, which places a limit to how long you can be kept waiting for medical care; and
  • high-cost protection, meaning you will pay a lower price for healthcare, dental care and medications above a certain amount.

You can choose which health centre to go to when you need healthcare. If you are not satisfied with your healthcare centre, you have the right to change to another.

Children registered in the Population Register, or who meet the criteria for registration, must go to school

Children granted a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive, and who meet the criteria for registration in the Swedish Population Register, must go to school in Sweden. Compulsory education applies to your child regardless of whether or not they have completed the registration process.

If your child is not already in school you must contact the municipality in which you live.

Question and answers


Yes. You cannot apply for an ID card while visiting a National Government Service Centre for an identity check. You must wait until you are registered in the Population Register; then you can book another appointment to obtain an ID card.

Yes, all family members need to notify their move and book an appointment at a service office for an identity check.